Conquering FOMO: Trusting in His Loving Kindness


Ever scroll through social media and feel like you’re missing out? We’ve all been there. That gnawing envy of someone else’s perfect vacation picture, their perfect body, their blissful life and the ache of “where did I go wrong?” swirling…

From Grumbling to Rejoicing: Growing Endurance

Growing endurance

Do you ever get the feeling a journey is taking forever, only to realise before you know it you have reached your destination? ‍ This happened to me recently on a “long” drive I’d taken countless times before. This time,…

When All We See Is Weeds, He Sees Beauty


You are precious and honoured in my sight, and I love you. Isaiah 43:4 Have you ever stared at your garden, overwhelmed by the sight of weeds choking out your carefully planted flowers? Maybe you’ve felt the same way about…

From Doubt to Worship: “Wow!” not “How?”

Wow not how

Many of us have moments in our life when we find ourselves in disbelief, questioning the reality around us. It often happens when we encounter something beyond our comprehension, something divine. This blog post is about such a journey, a…

Why Rooftop Encounters Matter

001 Why Rooftops

Do you often go on your roof?  To get on the roof of our house it would be quite an achievement, not to mention thoroughly entertaining for anyone passing by. I can honestly say I have never been on our…